Convicted was around for a long time for a Tallahassee band, 1998-2005. They did some touring and even played CBGB's with Cock Sparrer. The singer Brandon, and guitarist Mike went on to Lucky Scars. For download here I have United Working Class(2000) and the remake(2001) which features rerecorded old songs and a bunch of new ones, and their first EP - Best Of The Best(1999).

United Working Class (2000) -

United Working Class (2001) -

Best Of The Best -


I love that one old pic with Derek in it. They were all so fuckin young!
Tomdavis- back in 1999 I was big fan and in some ways I still am the hole thought of casper Branden and everyone was like superman to lexluther after I was committed to the mental heath system it seemed a little more like the the truth of it is men like me screeming. Like jail birds that we didn't do nothing is the same way there 's no future for a rat race father like Lyon if you care about tom contact me tom thomaddavis@gmail.com convicted is reality
Doing better now im out
And yah convicted is recovery
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